SEL Resources
Social & Emotional Learning Resources“A student who feels better connected to a school and better connected to a classroom and learning is apt to come to school more regularly. There are two sides of education, the academic and the social-emotional. You need both to be successful.” -- Jose Banda, Superintendent, Sacramento City Unified School District
Schools and DistrictsCASEL Guide to Schoolwide Social and Emotional Learning
This Guide is written specifically for school-based SEL teams who are leading implementation in elementary, middle, and high schools. This Guide is organized into five key activities that make up the schoolwide SEL process:
SEL Implementation Guidance
Many resources from the MN Department of Education to provide schools with guidance and resources to help schools integrate social emotional learning (SEL) into schoolwide teaching and learning practices, so that students will learn, practice and model essential personal life skills that contribute to academic, vocational, and personal success. Best Practices in SEL for Schools
September 2017 document describing SEL overview, instruction and implementation, including restorative practices. Integrating SEL across a district
Demonstrates the shift in focus and results when social emotional learning is implemented at all levels in the district. SEL Information, standards and assessment of Washoe County School District
Great demonstration of how SEL is being measured and the data communicated to the community. Includes SEL Standards for each of the 5 core competencies. Three Keys to Infusing SEL Into What You Already Teach
Meena Srinivasan, author of SEL Every Day, offers ways to easily incorporate SEL into everyday instruction, benefiting both the classroom environment and student motivation to learn. 5 Keys to Social and Emotional Success - Edutopia Video
Studies show that sustained and well-integrated social and emotional learning (SEL) programs can help schools engage their students and improve achievement. Explore the classroom practices that make up the best and most effective SEL programs. CASEL - Financial Sustainability This is a toolkit on financial sustainability to help school districts develop their own plans for implementing SEL. CASEL District Resource Center
Resources for the systemic implementation of SEL by school districts. Guidance and more than 500 tools to strengthen SEL in school districts. CASEL - Collaborating Districts Initiative
In 2011 CASEL embarked on an effort to put research into action by launching the Collaborating Districts Initiative (CDI) — a partnership among CASEL, the American Institutes for Research (AIR), and initially eight large school districts across the country. Since implementation of the CDI, academic achievement has improved consistently in reading and math. Teachers have become more effective. Attendance and graduation rates are up. Suspensions and expulsions are down. Students feel safer and more connected to school. Navigating SEL From The Inside Out (Elementary Focus)
Harvard Graduate School of Education offers this practical resource for schools and organizations that looks inside and across 25 leading SEL programs. Why Social and Emotional Learning is Essential for Students
Februrary 2016 Edutopia article highlighting short and long term benefits and tips for implementing SEL in schools. 5 Reasons to Invest in the Social Emotional Development of Children
A paper by Brookings Institute Senior Fellow Hugh Price asserts "research and real-world experience demonstrate convincingly that investing in the academic and social development of youngsters left way behind pays welcome dividends. SEL deserves, at long last, a prominent place in school reform policy and practice,” he concludes. In the paper, Price notes that a recent Teachers College study shows that “for every dollar invested in SEL programs, there is a return of eleven dollars, a rate of economic return that would be the envy even of hedge funds,” 5 Myths Working Against SEL Implementation
Edutopia article on mindsets that are holding back SEL and character education and ultimately limiting the power schools have to change the trajectory of student lives. Supporting the Whole Teacher This December 2017 article from the National Commission on SEL discusses the benefits of focused efforts to address teachers’ understanding of the social and emotional dimensions of learning and provides examples of programs across the country that have found success in providing this support to teachers. Supporting Students by Supporting Teachers Describes "Move this World" SEL curriculum and a school's gradual integration of Social Emotional Learning approaches, including modeling by an "outside" program. Common Sense Media resources for parents, educators and advocates
This site offers parents a place to get authentic reviews and recommendations for movies and other media. Educators can get information and resources on Digital Citizenship and media literacy. Advocates interested in the wellbeing of children in our nation can find ratings on current legislation, as well as initiatives that help our kids to thrive. SEL Curricula and Resources
13 Powerful SEL Activities
Build social and emotional skills into any class (Edutopia) Effective SEL Programs for Middle and High Schools
CASEL's 2015 Guide Morningside Center for Teaching Social Responsibility
Many tips and lessons for various subjects including classroom activities that encourage students' SEL and promote restorative practices. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
Social Thinking
Includes resources for kids including the popular "Superflex" series. Second Step
Skills for Social and Academic Success evidence-based program for early learning through grade 8 FamiliesWhy Do We Lose Control of Our Emotions?
Simple, easy-to-understand whiteboard animation to help early Elementary-aged children gain an understanding of the way their brains work to recognize and manage their emotions. Uses Dan Siegel's brain-hand model. A Parent's Resource Guide to Social Emotional Learning
An Edutopia resource that includes a curated list of blogs, articles, and videos for parents about fostering skills like kindness, empathy, gratitude, resilience, perseverance, and focus in children. SEL in the Home
Resources for parents including an informational video by CASEL and Chicago Public Schools on social and emotional learning (SEL). The video aims to inform parents on SEL in schools and provide them with insights on SEL in their own parenting practices in order to support their children's social and emotional know-how. Preparing Youth to Thrive: Promising Practices for Social Emotional Learning
Describes a study of exemplary youth programs and discovered how the key is allowing youth to genuinely connect with an adult who provides support and direct, honest feedback. |